Saturday, April 15, 2006

Do you know me...Mike Krzyzewski? Coach of the Duke Blue Devils you say.....right on. Seen me on the TUBE during the Final Four in, not Coaching(we got eliminated), in a commercial. That was me walking forward on a basketball court while General Motors was showing the new Chevrolets, behind me,and me hyping the product as I walked forward.
I too saw the ad...and you know what, back in 1979, the Head Basketball Coach for the Hawaiian Rainbows, U of H, Honolulu, hyped the Ford Autos for a local car dealer in Honolulu. The NCAA, punished the Coach and program by taking scholarships away and for doing the commercial. So how come the NCAA, didn't get on the Chevy-Coach "K" ad? Commissioner Brand, what's the deal?