Saturday, October 08, 2005

Think about this. Is it moral, compassionate,carring, just plain quit passing the ball back and forth for the past ten years by the NBA (Stern)& the National Basketball Ass'n(Hunter), who should jointly vest those 3 & 4 year pioneer era veterans who, ("set the table") with a gratuity similar to what Major League Baseball is doing by "gifting" $10,000 annually to 23 remaining alive Pre-1947 Negros who participated in the old Negro Baseball League. Fact: Out of 85-3 & 4 year NBA,veterans who were "stiffed" in the 1988 Pension inclusion, 41 remain. Is the formula..just let them die and the problem will be solved? Hey, Stern & Hunter, who's going to spend your money when you pass on....?


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